Updated May 26, 2021; originally posted April 14, 2021


At UUFCO we are dedicated to living our values. When we contemplate what this means for reopening our physical space and grounds, there are many considerations. We are committed to caring for each other and the wider community, inclusivity, staff safety and well-being, and using science as our guide. With all of this to hold, we are doing our best to evaluate and create a plan for moving forward in the coming months in keeping with our principles.  We should all be grateful to one another for the grace and patience that has been found amongst us in the past year and will remain so important as we continue onward.


COVID guidelines private events.png

Earlier this year the Board appointed a COVID-19 Task Force (TF) to help the congregation understand the issues related to the pandemic and how those issues might affect the safe use of our building and outdoor spaces. The TF members are Tom Machala, Susan Kinney, Erika Beard-Irvine, LeeAnn O’Leary and Chris Cassard.  Jonathan Beil and Amy Brock represent our Staff on the TF.  This group has been working hard on this complicated task and we owe them all our great appreciation.

The primary responsibilities of the TF include, but may not be limited to the following:

  1. Remaining educated on national, state, and local policies and regulations related to COVID-19.

  2. Reviewing all requests for activities that would require in person meeting or use of the building and making a recommendation to the Board regarding such requests

  3. Reviewing best practices for building use and in person meetings once a vaccine is widely available

  4. Reporting to the Board monthly at least one week before each Board meeting as to any updates to national, state, and local policies and any specific requests for in person meetings or use of the building

  5. Communicating to the congregation, in concert with Board review, the status of congregational policies and procedures related to COVID

  6. Maintain an abiding care for the most vulnerable inside, and out, of our congregation

The Board, along with our minister and staff, is the ultimate decision-making body regarding all guidelines and building use determinations.  The task force will remain in place until such time as the Board determines it is no longer needed.


Currently the TF has provided guidelines, approved by the Board, regarding the private rental of the building by Non UUFCO Rental Groups and, for UUFCO Member groups wanting to convene outdoors.  These guidelines are based upon recommendations by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Oregon Healthy Authority (OHA). UUFCO will observe OHA’s Sector Risk Level Guidance Chart for Deschutes County. If Deschutes County qualifies for “High” or “Extreme” risk, all events at the church will be canceled. The Board will grant building access for individual events under critical circumstances such as the Red Cross Blood Drives.  Specific UUFCO-sponsored activities (eg, hiking, camping, paddling) may be allowed in the “High Risk” category depending on Board approval.  The Task Force and the Board recognize we are in challenging times. New information concerning the risks of Covid-19 and population vaccinations are fluid and we will continually update our policies and guidelines as new data becomes available.

The TF is working on developing guidelines to address indoor use of the building by small groups of UUFCO Members.  This stage of guidelines is more challenging to develop as the TF needs to adhere to the principle stated above regarding consideration for the most vulnerable of our members.  Also coming in future months will be guidelines for Religious Exploration programs AND the use of the building for Sunday Services!

Please feel free to address any questions or concerns to any of Task Force members below.

Mark Steinberg, Board President: marksteinberg236@gmail.com
Tom Machala, COVID 19 Task Force Leader: machalat@lightcom.net
Susan Kinney, Board Past President: sbkinney56@icloud.com
Jonathan Beil, Event Manager: events@uufco.org

Your patience is greatly appreciated in allowing the TF and Board the time needed to properly address these challenging issues.  We are getting closer!

Mark Steinberg
President, Board of Trustees